response to christeen's blog---been there read that

This kind of ties into what I was talking about in on of my previous entries about how the same news source sometimes would post multiple stories about the same thing and not much new information. But in Christeen's blog, she was talking more about how multiple news sources will all publish articles on the same topic, with no different ties, views, information, or anything. You would think that news sources would try and take more time into investigating or tying it into another story that way people would want to come back to that source because they can rely on it having new information compared to other news sources. But that doesn't seem to be the case, I guess they just want to compete with each other for who covers it first and just doing a simple summary is the easiest. However, I don't fully agree with Christeen when she said it is useless, but only because some people have very strict opinions and may only want to believe news from one source, but other than that, I think she is right.

Check out Christeen's full entry: 
