courier journal---online stories

When comparing data of our news stories in class I have noticed something different about courier journal's numbers compared to the other news sources. That difference is the courier journal's website. Lauren usually counts 25-35 stories a day on their website compared to only about 10 on the other new sources' online sites. I think that it is really good on their part to have that many current stories on their website per day. Just think, so many people are on the internet a day and most people like to know what it going on in the world around them whether that is locally, nationally, or internationally. But they don't want to have to skip around to a bunch of websites to see everything so they need a website that will have it all. And just by looking at the home page you can see a wide variety of stories with a ton of stories in each category. I think it is good for them to put out these many stories a day as long as they aren't blown out of proportion or non-newsworthy which hasn't been much of a problem on their website so far.
